Your prostate is under attack. And if you don’t act now, you could be facing a future of diapers, sleepless nights, and zero intimacy with your partner.
But here’s the good news: You don’t have to live like this.
If you’re dealing with any of these symptoms, your prostate is screaming for help:
➤Frequent urination (especially at night)
➤Painful, stinging urination that feels like a fire hose with no pressure
➤Dribbling, thin urine flow, or the feeling that you can’t fully empty your bladder
➤Low sexual stamina, soft erections, or premature ejaculation
➤Blood in your urine or semen (yes, it’s as scary as it sounds)
➤Constant fatigue, lower back pain, or a weakness in your knees that makes you feel older than you are
And here’s the kicker:
If you ignore these symptoms, you could be staring down the barrel of
prostate surgery, incontinence, or even prostate cancer
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Fremont, California
Wednesday, June 10, 2023
Dear friends,
Are you annoyed by frequent urination, the embarrassing "after drop", frequent interrupted sleep, low sexual drive, low energy level & lower back pain that seem doesn't go away?
If you do, don't worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I know how you feel. Having problems like these can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and loss of confidence and will ultimately affect the quality of your life.
I Felt The Same Way Too! My Name Is Willie Walter, 52 Years Old. I'm Just Like You, One Of The 30 Million American Men Who Suffer From Prostate Related Sexual Problems Until I Discovered A Traditional Natural Herbal Formulation That Was Used Hundreds Of Years Ago, And Still Being Widely Used Today By The Native Asian To Restore Prostate Problems, Improve Sexual Performance, And Make Them Feel Young Again With Abundance Energy.
Believe Me, If You're Looking For A Solution To The Following Problems...
Frequent Bathroom Visit, Painful urination or Slow urine Flow
Low Sexual Libido, Sexual Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation or Soft Erection
Interrupted Sleep & Low Energy Level
Lower Back & Groin Pain...
.....Then you have come to the right place.
I have been experiencing prostate related symptoms for 6 to 7 years now. During the first few years I noticed gradually that when I urinated, the stream would spurt in all directions, much like a garden hose would when it was pinched between my fingers.
I also noticed after some time feelings urgency to urinate but when I went to the bathroom, little more than a trickle would appear. Trips to the bathroom at night were becoming more frequent. I also noticed a slight discomfort in my rectum at times as if some small object was lodged there.
Three years ago, my doctor told me my symptoms were common among men my age and they were probably related to my prostate. About two years ago, I began noticing that I rarely woke up with an erection anymore and trips to bathroom at night were becoming more frequent and the uncontrollable spray when I urinated was becoming increasingly out of control and more frustrating.
My sex life had gone from bad to worst, I've found it harder and harder to achieve an erection. I have tried virtually all brands of fast-acting sex enhancer in the market. A few did give me the desired effect, I had to line with major side effect including headaches, indigestion and heart palpitation. Sometimes I managed to ignore it but often the discomfort was so bad that I had to forego sex!
And for my prostate problem, I have tried many products ( like most products with ingredients like saw palmetto, selenium, stinging nettle root, pumpkin seeds , lycopene & etc..) but none of them gave me a lasting solution to my prostate problems. The experience can be very horrifying and most of the time, we have limited choices as to what "brand" of prostate products to use or try next.
Listen : call me old fashion in my values, if you want. But I'm going to pull the devious rug out from under the unethical profit-driven salesman...disguised as a doctors.
I believe it is completely reasonable to expect our doctors to be objective and impartial when it come to giving us advice on various treatment. However, their objectivity is disturbingly questionable when the only option presented to us a cure is the costly Prostate Surgery.
Don't let the slick salesman in the garb of a doctor's coat " trick " you into having surgery while in most cases, alternative treatment with herbs could be the answer to your prostate problem.
I've personally benefited immensely from this traditional formulation and am really delighted that I have the opportunity to introduce it to all the men in the world so that every one of us can get rid of our prostate problem once and for all.
So Young Plus™ is chemical free and made of 100% natural herbal ingredients and proven to have no side effects and is perfectly safe to use.
So Young Plus™ is made of seven remarkable traditional medicinal herbs which have long been widely used by native Asian to revitalize their sexual health and restore prostate health for men above 40
So Young Plus™ has been extensively researched, evaluated, clinically tested and proven effective. This product has been sold in Japan and doing very well for a few years now.
So Young Plus™ is the FIRST MALE ENHANCEMENT product that not only turbo charge your libido into overdrive over the roof but also help to revitalize your overall health, restore your prostate health and was specially formulated for those who have health conditions such as hypertension, enlarged prostate, diabetes & heart disease.
Prostate gland is a unique male organ. It is the largest auxiliary gland from the male reproductive organ. Due to the production of testosterone hormone from the testicles after a male enters the pubic period, the prostate gland starts to grow and function.
By 30 years old, the gland grows to a stable size, and after 45 years old, if the gland size is not growing, the prostate gland cells shall shrink, and the size also reduce.
The function of prostate gland are as follows;
a. Forming the urine prostate region, controlling the urination
b. Transporting the content from semen vesicles and product of gland tube to the urine
c. Producing prostate fluid
In an adult, the prostate gland size is comparable to a nut, with diameter around 3-4cm, and weights around 20g.If the prostate gland has not been placed under proper care, it may grow as the male gets older, and affect the urination process, causing many males to have sexual problems, such as pain during ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, blood in semen & etc.
The size of the prostate gland is as big as a chestnut, linked together with urinary bladder, rectum, genital part and urinary tract. There are also 15-30 prostate gland excretion which is linked to the urinary tract.
Bacteria would not only infect through blood, but also though the lymph nodes of urinary bladder and urinary tract.
Bacteria also can spread from the prostate excretion tube to the prostate glands which end up causing acute or chronic prostate inflammation and benign.
Most causes of prostate enlargement are due to one or more of the following...
➛ Male hormone imbalance
➛ Aging
➛ Family history
➛ Unhealthy eating habits i.e smoking & alcohol drinking
➛ Toxins or heavy metal pollution
➛ Other diseases
Normally, chances of the prostate gland enlarging are greatly increased after 40 years old, causing many problems and worries to the older male community.
If the problem with prostate gland is not taken care of or controlled, it may progressed into cancer mutation, leading to prostate cancer.
As the prostate cancer does not have any significant symptoms, it is normally discovered only in the final stage, resulting in the loss of many precious lives.
Enlarged prostate gland may cause pain during urination and possibly problems with sexual functions. Typical problems are listed below...
Bladder Problem : Enlarged prostate could press on the urethra, inhibiting the smooth flow, which may result in uremia, impaired bladder and bursting of bladder in some serious case. It may also cause gradual uncontrolled urination when you have a feeling of urination or your lower abdomen is slightly compressed, resulting in mental pressure on the patients, as uncontrolled urination may occur at any time in public, which greatly affects those with enlarged prostate.
Kidney problem : The problem with kidney is indirect. Enlarged prostate may result in accumulation of excessive urine in the bladder. In the long run, there may be infection on the bladder, which could affect the ureter and finally causing kidney infection or impairing kidney functions
Prostate Cancer : If the problem with enlarged prostate is not properly taken care of, the swelling effect may result in prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer in the main killer amongst older people, reaching 21% of all death in old age.
Problems With Sexual Function : Enlarged prostate may cause difficulties during sexual intercourse, such as pain during ejaculation, blood in semen, erectile dysfunction, soft erection & etc. After the removal of enlarged prostate gland with surgery, most patients face certain sexual difficulties especially maintaining erection.
If you'd like to solve your prostate problem and restore your prostate health, feel YOUNG, HEALTHY, VIBRANT, SEXUALLY ACTIVE & CONFIDENT All Day...Everyday and enjoy your life to the fullest, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why:
Fact : According to study about 152,990,000 men in the world have erectile dysfunction. Generally, most men above 40 years old have trouble achieving or maintaining erection. Research also show that erectile dysfunction affects 47% of male above 40 years old and the main contributing factor to sexual dysfunction and impotency is prostate problem.
Fact : Almost 30 million men suffer from benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Odds are 50% of males will have prostate problems by the time we are 60. By the age of 65 most American men have enlarged prostates. The first signs are night urination and difficult urination. Literally 97% of all men will be affected with prostate problems before they die.
Fact : Each year over 400,000 men in the United States alone undergo prostate surgery; and over a billion dollars a year is spent on prostate treatment. Surgery often results in incontinence and impotence.
Fact : Proscar®, the leading pharmaceutical drug for treating prostate problems, has side effects that may be detrimental to our health; The truth is, it can take as long as six months before you notice any significant improvement in your prostate health while taking Proscar®. But in the meantime...
And taking this drug can substantially INCREASE your risk of developing abnormal cells in your prostate! Here’s the proof...
According to a 1999 clinical study conducted by the prestigious Norris Cancer Institute of the University of Southern California, men taking Proscar® increased their risk of abnormal cell growth in their prostate by 300%. That’s not a typo—300 PERCENT! If that’s not bad enough,
other side effects include a loss of sex drive... premature ejaculation... and even impotence for goodness sake!
And the drug is so powerful—it can cause birth defects in pregnant women who come in contact with the sperm of a man taking
Proscar®!Quotes from some M.D. regarding drugs...
" Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature's protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time "
- Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.
" The cause of most diseases is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give in order to effect a cure. "
- Charles E. Page M.D.
" The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine. "
-William Osler, M.D.
Fact : Prostate Cancer is the most common ( 21% of all cancer ) malignancy in all cancer cases in the world.
Fact : In a recent article, world renown research chemist, Roger Mason says "For years now I've been explaining why saw palmetto, pygeum africanum, stinging nettles, pumpkin seeds and other similar herbs are useless, have no therapeutic effect, do not help prostate health in any way and are mere promotional scams. Yet, men keep buying countless millions of dollars worth of saw palmetto and other such worthless products every year"
Fact : BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. Symptoms result when the enlargement squeezes the urethra where it runs through the prostate. BPH is the most common of prostate conditions among men. It is more common among older men, because as a man ages, his prostate naturally enlarges.
Starting at about age 40, levels of a hormone called prolactin begin increasing in men, this stimulates an increased production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This in turn increases the metabolism of testosterone, resulting in an increase of the metabolic byproduct di-hydro-testosterone or DHT.
DHT is very unhealthy and has the undesirable effect of stimulating prostate cells into dividing and multiplying which causes the prostate enlargement. More than 50 percent of men age 60, and 80 percent of men age 80, are estimated to suffer from BPH. It is important to note that BPH does not necessarily lead to cancer; however, a man can have BPH and cancer at the same time.
Fact : There is a huge myth that has been perpetuated by the health care industry that pharmaceuticals are the answer to both our short and long term optimal health strategies. It is dead wrong, pharmaceutical related deaths or Death By Medicine from improperly prescribed drugs bas been reported to be the 3rd largest KILLER in the United States for the last 10 years or so.
Your Good Health Is Simply Far Too Precious To Succumb To Fatal Adverse Drug Reactions
Medications, potentially life-saving when used against illness, also can be dangerous and sometime lethal. Look at what appeared in JAMA ( Journal of the American Medical Association ) in 1988 - 6.7% of hospitalized patients suffered serious Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR).
It was estimated that in 1994 overall 2,216,000 hospitalized patients had serious ADR's and 106,000 had fatal ADR's. A recent analysis of 39 prospective studies in hospitals revealed an extremely high incidence of adverse drug reactions. Even when drugs were taken in the hospital under doctor's direction, there were more than 2 millions adverse drug reactions, many of which contributed to patients death.
Well, as you may have read or heard, toxins exist everywhere! Pharmaceutical drugs are now showing up in our tap and ground water. The first drug was accidentally found by scientists in Berlin Germany when they conducted their routine tap water tests for pesticides. The drug found was Clofibric Acid, a cholesterol-lowering drug. Many other drugs have since been found in our wells and ground water.
Each year the United States alone produces over 400 billion pounds of synthetic organic chemicals that are all toxic. This is equivalent to 80 pounds of chemicals per year for every person on the planet. Research shows that there are between 300 to 500 toxins in our tissues today that were never found in the tissues of anyone before 1940. In fact, you're breathing dioxin right now and hundreds of other chemicals that you cannot taste, see or smell.
Even a vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows. ( Reported By JEFF DONN, MARTHA MENDOZA and JUSTIN PRITCHARD, Associated Press Writers on March 9, 2008 )
Obviously, toxins are GOING to be part of our life whether we like it or not. All we can do is make sure our body is properly cleansing itself of these toxins so they don't stay in our system.
And most diseases develop slowly and it may take some times to exhibit noticeable symptoms of the particular any disease. So, to safeguard yourself from these problems, proper precautionary steps are advisable.
As a matter of fact... Prevention is always better than cure.
So...If you think that you're immune to developing any prostates're dead wrong!..... and if you're planning to live your life to the fullest, enjoy great sex, feel & look young, vibrant and healthy all day everyday, then allow me to.....
This is a revolutionary, all-natural formula that’s been used for centuries to:
1) Improves Prostate Problems
So Young Plus™ improve your prostate problems by shrinking your enlarged prostate thus reducing the need for costly surgery for an enlarging prostate that often results in incontinence and impotence. So Young Plus™ also prevent prostate inflammation, benign prostate hyperplasia & prostate cancer.
2) Turbocharge Your Sexual Performance Within Days
So Young Plus™ kick your libido into overdrive within days and turbocharge your libido & sexual stamina that will energizes you so that you can go on like a raging bull.
So Young Plus™ can prolong your sexual performances, give you back your solid steel erections that doesn't let up, and best of all, effects can be felt for 4 - 5 days
With So Young Plus™, you can assured of No more embarrassment and loss of confidence due to sexual dysfunction caused by prostate problems. Your wife would love you for all the sexual satisfaction that you gave her. You have the amazing opportunity to enjoy what other men with prostate problems can only dream about! Could you imagine the new sex life that is waiting for you?
3) Improves Urination System
Say goodbye to frequent urination, painful & stinging urination and thin urine streams forever. So Young Plus™ will end your frequent bathroom visit at nights and enable you to get a good night sleep... again.
4) Promotes blood circulation
So Young Plus™ promotes blood circulation and improve your energy level. With good sleep and high energy level, you won't experience dull thinking, slower reflexes, premature aging that used to bother you before. You can Start your day will full confidence...everyday!
5) Anti-Tumor and Anti-Cancer
So Young Plus™ has anti-tumor and anti-cancer ability that can attack abnormal cells and clobber them before they become malign and wreck havoc on your health. With So Young Plus™, you can be assured that the chance of developing prostate cancer is minimal.
6) Regulates Human Immune System
So Young Plus™ help to regulate and enhance your immune system beside improving your prostate health & enhance your sexual stamina. With enhance immune system, you will be able to lead a healthy life with less prong to contracting illness
7) Delays aging process & Promote Healthy Teenager " Glow "
The vast anti-oxidant activity in So Young Plus™ can help to slow down aging processes by shaping youthful cells that gives you the healthy teenager " Glow " we all desire. This will make you look young and vibrant again so you will be able to look your best everyday
8) Reduces Fatigue & Improve Your Energy Level
So Young Plus™ will help reduce fatigue and raise your energy to a higher level. This will result in better work performance and give you the energy boost to carry out your everyday task and spend more precious time with your family
9) Prevent Cardio-Cerebral Vascular Disease
One of the ingredients of So Young Plus™ Ganorderma Lucidum can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar in our body and promote better blood circulation which means that it is able to reduce the risk of cardio cerebral vascular disease attack
10) Improves Acidic Physique Condition
As we all know, our body immune system will be weakened by acidic physique condition, and So Young Plus™ help to improve the acidic physique condition and will also help to protect against allergies, decline of memory, back pain, coldness of hands and feet, lack of concentration and halitosis
11) Protect Your Liver & Kidney
So Young Plus™ can improve both the nephritis and renal failure syndrome as well as protecting your lever & kidney from infection.
So Young Plus™ is made of five remarkable traditional medicinal herbs which have long been widely used by native Asian to revitalize their bodies, restore prostate & sexual health.
First, let me introduce the efficacies of the active ingredients in So Young Plus™
Ganoderma Lucidum
Ganoderma Lucidum is one of the extremely precious medicinal values of fungus. Chinese tradition health book recorded that Ganoderma can calm the nerves, strengthen to the lung and liver.
Some of its actions and properties include: Anti-allergen, antioxidant, analgesic, antifungal, anti inflammatory, anti tumor, antiviral anti-parasitic, cardiovascular, antidiabetic, immunomodulating, hepatoprotective, hypotensive and hypertensive, kidney and nerve tonic, sexual potentiator. Inhibits platelet aggregations. Lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Bronchitis prevention.
Of course something this versatile has many uses and a fraction of them are: Tonic, immune booster, allergies, blood pressure stabilizer, altitude sickness, chemotherapy support, HIV support, fatigue, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, hepatitis, inhibits platelet aggregations.
Below are the remarkable result of Ganoderma efficacies from scientific research...
➜ Improve blood circulation
➜ Reduces blood pressure
➜ Anti blood platelet aggregation
➜ Anti-tumor
➜ Anti-bacteria
➜ Improves sleep
➜ Anti-virus
➜ Anti-inflammation
➜ Anti allergy
➜ Anti-oxidant & anti-aging
Cordyceps Sinensis Extract
Cordyceps, one of the better-known traditional Chinese medicines, consists of the dried fungus Cordyceps sinensis growing on the larva of the caterpillar. It is commonly used in China for the replenishment of general body health. Cordyceps has a broad range of pharmacological and biological actions on the liver, kidneys, heart, and immune system.
Cordyceps contains Cordyceps polypeptide, which is the most precious active ingredients in Cordyceps. It is extracted using high technology. Even a small amount of Cordyceps polypeptide has remarkable result because its tiny molecules allow it to be easily absorbed into our body.
Some of Cordyceps medicinal efficacies are...
➜ Benefit to lung & kidney
➜ Enhances beauty
➜ Strengthen kidney
➜ Improve heart beat rate
➜ Enhance metabolism
➜ Prevent cancer
➜ Diminish inflammation
➜ Anti-virus
➜ Cures cough & asthma
➜ Improve vitality
➜ Increase male libido
➜ Anti-Oxidant
Cynomorium Songaricum Extract
Cynomorium is known in Chinese as suoyang, which is based on the herb's medicinal effects, "locking the yang." It is obtained mainly from the East Asian species, Cynomorium songaricum, though the similar C. coccineum is sometimes utilized as a substitute.
It is used to tonify the yang (treat impotence and backache), strengthen the tendons, and nourish the blood to alleviate the blood-deficiency type of constipation (typically occurring with old age), Relieve aching and weakness of loins and knees and treat sexual problems (spermatorrhea)
Some of Cynomorium medicinal efficacies are...
➜ Improve immune system
➜ Promote cell generation & metabolism
➜ Improve sexual performance
➜ Enhances adrenal gland excretion function
➜ Enhance metabolism
➜ Prevent cancer
➜ Neutralize harmful free radical
➜ Anti-virus
➜ Suppress blood platelet aggregation
➜ Improve vitality
➜ Increase male libido
➜ Anti-Oxidant
Kudzu Root Extract
Studies have shown that kudzu can reduce both hangovers and alcohol cravings. Persons who take kudzu will still drink alcohol; however, they will consume less than if they had not taken kudzu. The mechanism for this is not yet established, but it may have to do with both alcohol metabolism and the reward circuits in the brain. The Harvard Medical School is studying kudzu as a possible way to treat alcoholic cravings, by turning an extracted compound from the herb into a medical drug.
Kudzu also contains a number of useful isoflavones, including daidzein (an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent), daidzin (a cancer preventive) and genistein (an antileukemic agent). Kudzu is a unique source of the isoflavone puerarin. Kudzu root compounds can affect neurotransmitters (including serotonin, GABA, and glutamate) and it has shown value in treating migraine and cluster headache. It is recommended for allergies and diarrhea.
Kudzu is beneficial for control of some post-menopausal symptoms such as hypertension and diabetes type II.
In traditional Chinese medicine, where it is known as gé gēn (葛根), kudzu is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs. It is used to treat tinnitus, vertigo, and Wei syndrome (superficial heat close to the surface).
Spirulina Platensis
Spirulina is a genus of the phylum Cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are classified as either blue-green algae or as blue-green bacteria. Spirulina is a rich source of protein. It also contains chlorophyll, carotenoids, minerals, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and some unique pigments.
Spirulina platensis extracts have been demonstrated to enhance macrophage function and to enhance humoral and cell-mediated immune functions in human
Some of Spirulina effects include...
➜ Anti-tumor
➜ Anti-blood clot
➜ Lower blood glucose
➜ Strengthen immune system
➜ Enhance metabolism
➜ Reduce muscle catabolism
➜ Anti-virus
➜ Restore physical strength
➜ Improve vitality
➜ Anti-aging
So Young Plus™ is the wonderful result from a meticulous and successful scientific research study leading by American Scientist. Combining precious Chinese herbal medicine essences, optimizing warranted and patented technology, the most unique and exclusive secret formula in the market is born.
So Young Plus™ is a joint effort and an assimilation of Chinese and Western technology and scientific research. Hence, So Young Plus™ is truly a remarkable product that transcends borders and exceeds all expectations.
When we combine all the four herbal medicines, together with the help of Revolutionary nano-extraction technology, through of course, a closely guarded proprietary process, we have a formulation so potent and effective that it benefits all men with prostate & sexual problems.
So Young Plus™ is produced by employing a Proprietary Process based on Revolutionary Nano-Extraction technology to extract the essence of traditional herbal medicines. It is the Nano-Particles that make So Young Plus™ so effective and plays a pivotal role to bring out such wonderful effects.
Nanotechnology is defined as the science and technology of building electronic circuits and devices from single atom or molecule, or the branch of engineering that deal with things smaller than 100 nanometers. A nanometer is about 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Nanotechnology deals with and manipulates anything that occur within the scale of a nanometer.
The size of So Young Plus™ is produced to about 300 times smaller than our human body cell. This enable its active ingredients to penetrate and permeate into our cell membrane instantly and effectively.
So Young Plus™ is only available in Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and now United States and So Young Plus™ will also be available in other countries soon.
Do not expect your prostate problems will go away tomorrow after using So Young Plus™, we're no snake oil salesman that will hype up the effects of our product. But you're assured that, within 7 – 30 days after using So Young Plus™ you'll see improvement and your symptoms will gradually go away.
If you have any question about So Young Plus™, there is Frequently Asked Questions where you can find the answer to your burning questions about So Young Plus™ or questions about your prostate & sexual health, Click here to get your answer now....
Or if you are still unsure and would like to have “human” help to answer your query, no matter how basic you feel it may be, please send me an email and I'll personally answer your question within 48 - 72 hours. Send me your question here!
Talk about So Young Plus™ function as male sexual enhancer, here is the comparison between So Young Plus™ & other male health products in the market.
Statistically, as many as 90% of our customers said that they did not experience any unpleasant side effects - like headaches, extreme palpitation, sweating & dizziness - that are so commonly associated with other sexual enhancers.
The remaining 10% did feel some minor facial flushing and warmness in the body, all of which is tolerable reactions.
These are caused by blood circulation enhancing herbs in So Young Plus™, and do not remotely pose as any form of threat to your well-being in any way.
You'll be assured to know...So Young Plus™
If you’re experiencing even one of the symptoms I mentioned above, you could be one of the 30 million American men
suffering from chronic prostate issues.
And if you don’t take action now, you could be facing a future where:
✔You’re wearing diapers because you can’t control your bladder
✔You’re avoiding intimacy because you’re too embarrassed to perform
✔You’re constantly exhausted because you’re up all night running to the bathroom
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Imagine waking up in the morning feeling refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day
Imagine sleeping through the night without constantly running to the bathroom.
Imagine reigniting the spark in your relationship and feeling like the confident, powerful man you used to be.
This isn’t a fantasy.
This is what’s possible when you take control of your prostate health.
This all-natural formula works like magic to:
✔Shrink your prostate and restore normal urine flow
✔Boost your libido and give you back your sexual confidence
✔ Eliminate pain and inflammation in your groin and lower back
✔Improve your energy so you can live life to the fullest
And because it’s 100% natural, there are no prescriptions, no side effects, and no risky surgeries.
I'm not gonna bullshit you into believing that So Young Plus™ will work for you 100%. You don;t need me to tell you this. But even ED drugs don;t work for everyone, everytime.
What I Do know, is that So Young Plus™ has worked exceeding well in so many circumstances, is 100% safe to consume, and as high as 91% of all our customers are satisfied with the result produced by So Young Plus™.
And let's get real. This is webpage. I don't really know you from a bar of soap. I don't know the least about your personal health condition, age etc, all of which may affect how well So Young Plus™ can work for you.
Which is why...
Simply test drive So Young Plus™, absolutely risk free!
If, at anytime during 90 days period, you're not satisfied with So Young Plus™ in ANY way at all, simply return for a full refund. No weasel clauses, No Question Asked, and we'll still remain friends.
No Hard Feeling.
The dosage for So Young Plus™ varies depend on your condition. If you do not have other chronic diseases other than enlarged prostate, the dosage is as follow...
Take one capsule of So Young Plus™ per day for 6 consecutive days (1 box of So Young Plus™ has 20 capsules). You should see some improvement already.After sixth day, you can take So Young Plus™ one capsule every 2 days to 4 days depending on your needs.
***Note : If your prostate condition is serious, you're advised to take one capsule of So Young Plus™ daily until you condition improve
If you're suffering from hypertension, heart disease & diabetes, you should start taking a small amount ( 1/2 capsule per day ) and gradually increase to one tablet per day and then follow the dosage instruction as above.
How much does So Young Plus™ cost me?. $200, $150 or $100 per month ?.You may ask.
Well. You may be surprised that such a benefits-laden product doesn’t cost you $200, $150 or even $100. The price for a pack of So Young Plus™ cost you only
This means that So Young Plus™ actually cost you approximately
$2.63 per day, less than the cost of a Starbuck coffee, an affordable price that are sure to fit into even the tightest budget.
Compared to all the priceless moments you stand to lose if you don’t make a change right now, isn’t $79 just a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you’re going to waste on ineffective products that not just waste your money but also sabotage your health? You can even think of this another way.
What else can you do for $79 that can so greatly improve the quality of your life, your woman’s life and your family. By now if you are not jumping up and down thinking “Yes! Yes!” then I know the only other thing that you could possibly be thinking of is, you are still skeptical. You are worry that “ So Young Plus™ won’t work for me. Nothing ever work for me “
Is that really the truth ?
Come on, think about it. So Young Plus™ has been extensively researched, evaluated, clinically tested and proven effective. It has worked for men around the globe. Why would you still be the only one still thinking So Young Plus™ wouldn’t work on you?
Now, Set your mind at ease, forget all that, the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter.
Because you are not going risk one dime, and I will personally guarantee that you will be successful with this product or I will give you 100% of your money back.
✔ Improves Prostate Problems
✔ Turbocharge Your Sexual Performance Within Days
✔ Improves Urination System & Let You Sleep Well At Night
✔ Promotes blood circulation
✔ Anti-Tumor and Anti-Cancer
✔ Regulates Human Immune System
✔ Delays Aging Process & Promote Healthy Teenager " Glow "
✔ Reduces Fatigue & Boost Your Energy To A Higher Level
✔ Prevent Cardio-Cerebral Vascular Disease
✔ Improves Acidic Physique Condition
✔ Most of them all, So Young Plus™ truly make you feel YOUNG, HEALTHY, VIBRANT & CONFIDENT All Day...Everyday
If you respond right away, you pay only Special Promotion Price of $69.00 , not the normal price of $79.00
Normally, this is the part where I am supposed to bribe you with freebies...err...bonuses that are so valuable that you have no possible alternative but to buy. I mean...who can turn down $300 in bonuses for a $65.55 product???
Michael Carrick, 48, Fremont
Harder Erection. No More Minute Man. Premature Ejaculation Is A Thing Of Past
I just want to write and say thank you for recommending ‘SYP’ to me. I have been experiencing premature ejaculation and could only last a few minutes and then it was over. Now I have a lot of stamina and my erection is harder and I can last longer. The best thing is can have sex more than once a night for the first time since I was in my early 20’. ‘SYP’ has really made me feel like a young man again. Thank you.
David Sullen, 56,Houston
Divorced Man Dates Again...
After my divorce, I began dating again. But can you imaging it, every time I ‘GOT LUCKY’, the whole thing fell flat and I just could not perform. Exercise helped a little but I just was not the man I used to be. Things were going from bad to worse and I even stopped dating because I was so anxious. This thing has been going on for almost 2 years now. Eventually a social friend told me about ‘SYP’ and I thought to myself ‘what have I got to lose?’. Two weeks later, I just can’t get enough of it.
Jim Morris, 41, San Jose
Sex Stamina Of Teenage Years
I have to say, I have tried so many times to “will” myself into an erection and it only makes matters worse. I didn’t want to be using prescription drugs (like Viagra which has a very bad side effects) in order to have good sex. Though it may help but I don’t think I would get the stamina that I use to have in my teenage years. But with ‘SYP’, now I don’t have to. I’d recommend your product to anyone who is looking for fuller erections or to anyone who has trouble getting erections. It will definitely improve your love life.
Philip Phang, 57, Austin
Enlarged Gland Problem?... Gone! I Sleep Comfortably Through The Night!
I am 57 years old and like many men my age have an enlarged prostate gland problem which was frequently forcing me to get up in the middle of the night in order to urinate. I began taking ‘SYP’ about a month ago and now sleeping comfortably through the night. I would recommend this wonderful Chinese herbs product to anyone with the same problem.
Miguel P., 48, Software Developer
"A Life-Changing Boost!"
"Rigirx has completely changed my life. I used to feel frustrated and distant from my wife because of my low libido. Now, I feel energized and confident, and our relationship has improved significantly. The best part is that it’s natural and easy to take without worrying about side effects. I highly recommend Rigirx to anyone facing similar challenges—it’s a life-changer."
Tony Fernandes, 43, Mesa
Do Yourself A Favor And Get So Young Plus. I Promise You Will Not Regret It
Whilst at the age of 60, I still have an excellent sex drive without taking any “so-called” male enhancer. I was given 4 samples sachets of ‘SYP’ during my recent gathering about a month ago. I still have hesitation taking it until my friend decided to take it back. I would have never known the power of ‘SYP’ if I haven’t try it. I had the hardest erection on the second day after I took it. What a terrific difference it has made and I find the effects lasts more than 3 days. I have decided to take if for the remainder of my life. Thank you.
Federick Basir, 48, Fresno
My Alarm Clock Is My Erection In The Morning
I have suffered from premature ejaculation my entire life. It affected my relationship with my partner who is in her early 40s (they called it ‘the tigeress years’) and my confidence level in and out of the bedroom. Although my partner did not complain about our sex life, I feel very embarrassed and most recently I found that my erection was not as hard as it used to be. I have been trying to search for a reliable male enhancer but some how I did not try them even though I have all the information.
I was introduced to ‘SYP’ by my friend who has been in the health line for more than 18 years. I feel confidence taking it not because of the product itself but rather due to this friend of mine. He is always being honest and true to his word. Five days after consuming the product, I experienced amazing results. I would not have believe it if I have not tested it myself. It has improved my performance ever since. My alarm clock is my erection in the morning. My wife is satisfied that she has been introducing it to her friends. Thank you very much and best wishes to you and your associates.
Alan Dean, 61, Long Beach
With So Young Plus, Virility, Stamina & A Lava-Hot Love Life Still Within My Grasp At 61
I am writing to tell you that I am very pleased with your product ‘SYP’. I have spent thousand over the years. Although those product did work wonderfully for me, but I am afraid I will need to depend on them for the rest of my life. They worked well but the problems were that it will give you much discomfort, like headache, heart pumping, blurred vision and insomnia. Thanks to ‘SYP’, I don’t feel the side effects which I have mentioned just now. I only experienced a slight headache and legs numbness (healing crisis) for the first 3 days, but it’s disappeared after I continued taking it. I have been taking it for almost 2 months now. I have to admit it that it works so well as if I have not taken any enhancer prior to having sex. ‘SYP’ it works ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. Thanks
Victor L., 49, Restaurant Manager
"Better Than I Expected!"
"When I first heard about Rigirx, I was skeptical because I had tried other products without much success. But after using it for a month, I’m amazed at the results. My energy, mood, and performance have all improved dramatically. I feel like a younger version of myself, and I can’t believe how effective this product is. It’s now a staple in my daily routine. I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with similar issues."
John M., 54, Airline Pilot
"A Second Chance at Vitality!"
"Rigirx has given me a second chance at vitality and intimacy. I was dealing with low libido and confidence issues that were affecting my relationship. After trying Rigirx, I feel a renewed sense of energy and excitement. My partner and I are closer than ever, and I feel like my younger self again. The fact that it’s natural and easy to use makes it even better. I’m so grateful for this product!"
I am darn proud of So Young Plus.™ It's got more integrity and honest value than anything else I've ever tried – and I've tried tens of different prostate pills, my friend.
And I'll tell you what...
Those who are approaching late middle age and into their golden years need to begin thinking about their future. While it would be wonderful to be able to just stop the clock, that's not possible...what is possible is finding the things that can help you to improve your well being, your health and ultimately to lead to a long, healthy & prosperous life.
Tongkat Ali is known as Nature’s Answer to Viagra! It is one of the most potent aphrodisiacs in the known world. It will boost your testosterone level, giving you heightened libido that won’t quit and explosive climaxes that will make each lovemaking session an unforgettable experience!
Tongkat Ali is known as Nature’s Answer to Viagra! It is one of the most potent aphrodisiacs in the known world. It will boost your testosterone level, giving you heightened libido that won’t quit and explosive climaxes that will make each lovemaking session an unforgettable experience!
If you're having problem lowering your cholesterol level, then this guide will definitely point you to the right direction on how you can lower your cholesterol naturally without the nasty side effects of cholesterol lowering drugs. A must read.
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Don't put this off! Remember... you will not find So Young Plus™, (or this offer), anywhere else on the planet. There's a very real, and very serious, chance this offer won't be around for very long! And if you don't get your supply of So Young Plus™ right now, you may never see this offer again... EVER!
I honestly hope to hear from you now!
Willie Walter
P.S. If you have any questions, or queries about So Young Plus™ , then please don't hesitate to email me [email protected] or contact us at 1-800-935-1381 Ext 221
Please don't put this off. You can see by what other women are saying that this is truly and honestly the real thing. If you're SERIOUS about regaining your youthful appearance, and you do use So Young Plus™, the results you see will astonish you and put the "envy" into your friends.
P.P.S. One more thing – it's important. Because So Young Plus™ has undergone many years of professional studies, product development and testing, boosting patented technology for the extraction of herbal essences and so expensive to make, we do not keep a large supply of it on hand – it's just too darned expensive for us to do that. Instead, we have a close relationship with the lab to make sure we're well-stocked to handle expected orders. But even so, sometimes we get so swamped with unexpected orders (some men order 10 units at a time, for themselves and all their friends!) that we fall behind a little bit. So I urge you to order NOW and avoid any wait you might have if we're forced to run a new batch to fill orders.
So Young Plus is a leading trademark among all the other innovative brands. SYP combines four precious herbal ingredients - Cynomorium, Cordyceps, Ganoderma, Kudzu Root and spirulina polypeptide. SYP has become a unique treasure. It has undergone many years of professional studies, product development and testing, boasting patented technology particularly the nanotech extraction in the four herbal essences. One only needs a packet to experience its amazing goodness.
SYP effectiveness is related to its entirely natural ingredients of highest quality. It does not contain any stimulants or artificial ingredients. SYP is suitable for both men and women. As numerous case studies show, taking it once a day keeps our body at its best while restoring its youthfulness.
Reduces prostate problems - such as prostate inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer
Improves urology and nephrology function, balance physiology
Enhances blood circulation and prevent cardio-cerebral vascular disease
Delays aging by shaping youthful cells
Strengthens immune system, prepares body to heal itself
Reduces fatigue and helps restore energy
Prevents tumor and cancer
Improves acidic physique condition – such as: allergies, forgetfulness, backache, cold hands and feet, inability to concentrate, bad breath
Protects the liver and kidney, improves nephritis and renal failure syndrome
Promotes sleep and improves skin complexion
As herbal treatment works well in balancing physiology, SYP also boasts the following recuperation effects:
Promotes cell regeneration and metabolism
Increases oxidation resistance
Enhances the functions of the adrenal glands
Reduces blood pressure
Heals infection, reduces pain
Improves gastrointestinal function
Enhances beauty
Reduce cough / clears throat
Reduces muscle pains
Reduces blood sugar
Improves the symptoms of menopause
SYP is the wonderful result from a meticulous and successful scientific research study leading by American Scientist. Combining precious Chinese herbal medicine essences, optimizing warranted and patented technology, the most unique and exclusive secret formula in the market is born. SYP contains Chinese herbal essences especially cynomorium, a precious herbal medicine sourced from the north Gansu Province. Cynomorium is locally and richly grown in a natural environment without any form of pollution. Using direct extraction and processing technology, this valuable active ingredient is retained fully and plays a pivotal role to bring out such wonderful effects. SYP is a joint effort and an assimilation of Chinese and Western technology and scientific research. Hence, SYP is truly a remarkable product that transcends borders and exceeds all expectations.
SYP has undergone extensive research. It leaves a better result without any side effects and is second to none, thanks to its unique formula and natural active agents.
SYP is derived from natural herbal ingredients. It can boost energy and strength effectively. This product has been verified to be safe and suitable for adults above 18 years old. For ladies who take SYP, it may also play a big role in anti-aging, improving physical treatment, physical fitness, blood circulation, etc. For special needs, please consult your nutritionist or diet therapist before taking.
If you are suffering from chronic diseases, start taking a small amount (two tablets). You can increase the dosage slowly. Before taking, please consult your nutritionist or diet therapist for their opinion.
If your physical condition is good, you may take a packet daily. If there are undesired complications after first trial, you may take another packet on alternate day for duration of two weeks. Later, when your condition is stable or improved, you may increase dosage to a packet per day.
Since SYP comprises of rich and ultra concentrated herbal essences, it provides instants medical results. But due to the fact that all our physical conditions vary from one to another, the general recommendation is to consume 1 packet in the morning or after lunch.
Our entire formula is herbal based. Hence, many people may feel some improvement in their health. Some will experience reactions such as softened stool, body sensation, warm or uncomfortable. To avoid these unnecessary reactions, please follow the consumption instructions of this product. If you feel uncomfortable after taking, please reduce the consumption and consult your nutritionist or dietitian for their opinion.
Try to avoid raw, spicy and exotic food. Reduce smoking and alcohol intake. Do rest and be relaxed to ensure its effectiveness.
It varies according to your own physical conditions. Generally, a healthy person will be able to feel the difference rather quickly. A person with health problems needs a longer time. Due to unhealthy living lifestyle and bad eating habits, the person’s physical condition prevents itself from fully absorbing the nutrients in the product. If you fall in this category, please follow the instruction and continue to take SYP, in order to improve your health and return your organ functions to its normal condition.
SYP is manufactured in factories which met GMP standard. Our production process is strictly supervised, using pure natural raw materials, which is completely free from pollution. After a number of research and stringent testing, SYP is proven to be without stimulant, heavy metal elements or aphrodisiac ingredients. SYP comprises nutrients with rich in mineral substances, vitamins and amino acids that are essential to our body. It will not create any side effect. Our product has undergone hundreds clinical trials and product testing. In short, it is confirmed and verified that it will never be a threat to our health. On the contrary, the guaranteed impact in enhancing the various functions of your body will ultimately elevate your health in body, mind and spirit.
We are not fully dependent So Young Plus (SYP). After a certain health improvement, you may stop using gradually. Many people discovered that even after they have stopped taking SYP, the results last a very long time. It is due to the improvement of body health. However, we suggest a daily usage to maintain your health at its best.
SYP provides rich nutrients to the body which can effectively improve personal health. All active ingredients are chosen from natural plants with no added chemical substances. Hence, there are no side effects to our body. Using SYP in long term will keep the body in a balanced state, increasing its potential to heal itself. The human body consists of around 70 trillion cells. For the cells in cortex layer to regenerate and repair it takes at least 28 days; renew blood metabolism 4 months; improve organ functions 18 months, rebuild muscle tissues at least 36 months, reproduce bone marrow require years. Therefore, to achieve the optimal health, a person should wait seven years. In addition, a number of studies have shown that long-term use can promote longevity. Taking it on a long-term basis will promise a balanced physiology. You will feel energetic, motivated and strong!
Since SYP comprises of all natural herbal essence, it would not affect consumption of other products or food. However, we suggest that you take them separately to make sure all the benefits of SYP are absorbed. After meal, take a packet of SYP, and make sure the separation of two hours before taking other medicines.
SYP has no side effect. This has been tested and verified. The main components in SYP have been widely used. Each herbal extract is collected from natural environment. It is pollution-free and does not contain any harmful elements.
SYP contains no aphrodisiacs elements, heavy metals or stimulants, which has been tested and verified. It is absolutely safe.
Those with prostate problems - such as prostate inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer etc.
Often having difficulty in urination (difficulty starting urination, thin urine flow, urination slow down, urinary incontinence/urination is interrupted midway, cannot completely urinate, frequent urinary, weak urination, blood in urine, etc)
Poor energy, lack of concentration
Often feels dizzy and fatigue
Weak bladder and kidney
Smoking or often stays in smoky area
Take soft drink or alcohol frequently
Often work under pressure
Cold hands and feet
Weak immune system
Often expose to gas emission, i.e.: Carbon monoxide and gasoline
Often colors hair and uses conditioner with massive chemical compositions
Frequently uses mobile phones, microwave oven, computer, television and other equipment that emit unhealthy rays.
Anyone who pay great attention to health and to prevent disease
Suffering from insomnia
Unhealthy eating habits: often eat barbecued / fried food, processed food (color-added, with preservatives)
Abnormal blood pressure
All statements and results presented on this website are for informational purposes only. They are not specific medical advice for any individual. Neither the website, nor product should substitute medical advice given by a certified health professional. If you have a health problem, or you have sensible allergies, are pregnant or diagnosed with chronic conditions, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor immediately and before taking any pills or supplements. Individual results may vary depending on the case. Copyright © 2025 So Young Plus. All Rights Reserved. The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product. Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of So Young Plus and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar Results.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Use only as directed. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or as a prescription for medication. Please read all packaging and labels carefully. Always consult your physician or health care provider before taking any supplement. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please consult your physician or health care provider. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. Not for use by children under the age of 18. Free shipping is to the United States only.
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